Wild Wednesdays: Kringle Mingle with IRLC

Wednesday, December 29, 2021 - 1:00pm

Indian River Lakes Conservancy's Redwood Hill Preserve

Get WILD with TILT's free afterschool program featuring outdoor adventures, games, crafts, and more!  This month we are teaming up with our friends at Indian River Lakes Conservancy to learn all about snow! Discover how it forms, what conditions are needed, and why it forms crystals.

Bundle up and get ready to hit the trail as we walk and talk along IRLC's trails at the beautiful Redwood Hill Preserve located at 

44010 Stine Road, Redwood NY 13679

Wild Wednesdays participants must be accompanied by an adult. Please wear clothing and footwear appropriate to outdoor play and bring a water bottle.

To register, call the TILT office at 315-686-5345, email [email protected], or click the registration button below.