Wild Wednesdays: Birds of a Feather

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 3:30pm

Chippewa Bay Preserve

Get WILD with TILT's free afterschool program featuring outdoor adventures, games, crafts, and more! 

This month we're welcoming the songbirds returning to the Thousand Islands!  We will enjoy a walk along the Chippewa Bay Nature Trail and listen for bird sounds then climb the observation tower and catch a glimpse of returning waterfowl on the Chippewa Bay marsh. How many different birds can you find on your Bird Bingo sheet? 

Join us at our beautiful Chippewa Bay Preserve, located just past Riverbay Adventure Inn at 

97 New Road, Chippewa Bay, NY 13623

Wild Wednesdays participants must be accompanied by an adult. Please wear layered clothing and footwear appropriate to outdoor play and bring a water bottle.

To register, call the TILT office at 315-686-5345, email [email protected], or click the registration button below.