Internships with the Thousand Islands Land Trust (TILT) are designed to introduce high school and college students to the work of land conservation and environmental education in the Thousand Islands region. Each summer, TILT offers multiple paid internship positions, which are a great way for students to gain experience and contribute to their community.
Summer Land Stewards of the Thousand Islands Land Trust are hired each summer to provide essential support to Stewardship Staff. These interns work outdoors, helping with preserve maintenance, easement monitoring, and trail work. These internships are made possible by the Ames Family Stewardship Fund, Ellen & Stuart Burt Summer Stewardship Fund, the Fresh Sound Foundation, and the Ferguson Foundation.
The Education and Outreach Intern works closely with TILT’s Education and Outreach Coordinator to facilitate our summer TILTreks programs, help coordinate events, and aid in the management of TILT’s social media and communications. This internship is made possible by the Fresh Sound Foundation.
The Kenneth Deedy Environmental Intern works with TILT, Save The River, and the Minna Anthony Common Nature Center through a comprehensive experience in environmental stewardship and education in the Thousand Islands. Spending three weeks at each organization, the intern will spend their summer immersed in On the Water programming, preserve stewardship, and educational programming. This internship is made possible by Kenneth Deedy, the Northern New York Community Foundation, and many generous donors.
Internship opportunities are generally posted in January of each year, with applications due by mid-March.
Current available internships are posted here.