Current Opportunities

Current Job Opportunities:

Boat Launch Stewards 


As part of TILT and SLELO PRISM (St. Lawrence Eastern Lake Ontario Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management), Boat Launch Stewards provide public education and outreach at boat launches regarding statewide Clean, Drain, Dry practices in order to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Playing a critical role in invasive species management, Boat Launch Stewards will visit assigned boat launch locations around the region to interact with the public and gather recreational boater information, conduct voluntary watercraft and equipment inspections, and familiarize the public with aquatic invasive species information. Stewards will be responsible for monitoring two (2) boat launches within close geographic proximity to each other and will operate with a high degree of independence.

These responsibilities include: conducting watercraft inspections, data collection and administering voluntary surveys, identification and management of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), and interactions with the public and distribution of educational materials.

The Boat Launch Steward is a 40 hours per week position, beginning with a paid, mandatory 3-day training from May 20th-22nd and starting their roles on May 23rd. The position is expected to end on Monday, September 7th.  TILT is looking to hire a total of 10 boat launch stewards.

Typical work week is Wednesday through Sunday, with some holiday weekend work required (Memorial Day, Monday following July 4th, Labor Day). Some local travel is required. Wages will start at $14/hour.

 Apply now


Current Internship Opportunities:

There are no internship opportunities available at this time. Please check back in January 2021.