Do you love Potters Beach? You can be part of the effort to protect it for future generations! Volunteer with the Thousand Islands Land Trust (TILT) at our Fall Stewardship Day on Saturday, September 19th at 10am.
Get out in nature with us and help maintain the health and beauty of the 1000 Islands. This year, TILT is working with the Alliance for the Great Lakes Adopt-a-Beach Program to clean up Potters Beach as part of the larger International Coastal Cleanup. Volunteer with TILT to contribute data to this organization, which will be used to help prevent pollution and protect the watershed we call home. Wear your work clothes and be sure to bring gloves and tools if you have them.
TILT is unable to provide boat transportation to Grindstone Island due to COVID-19 restrictions. We encourage anyone who is interested in participating to meet us over at Potters Beach at 10am, whether it be by boat or by foot. Please register in advance so we know who is planning to attend. Lunch will be provided by Subway.
Join our clean-up by emailing [email protected], calling the office at 315-686-5345, or by signing up here.