Birkhead Lecture: 30 Years of Stories

Sunday, August 9, 2015 - 3:30pm

Zenda Farms Preserve in Clayton

What's your 1000 Islands story?

Calling all storytellers: TILT has been conserving land for 30 years, and we bet you have a story to tell about the 1000 Islands and what its protection means to you!

We’re asking area residents and visitors alike to email your best 1000 Islands story to TILT at [email protected]. We’ll pick a few of our favorites to be shared during our annual Birkhead Lecture & Reception at Zenda Farms Preserve. The rest will be collected in a limited edition book, available for purchase later this year. Please specify in your email if you’d be interested in personally sharing your story at the lecture, or if you’d prefer TILT staff or trustees to read it aloud for you!

The TILTalks lecture series have been made possible by the generosity of Guthrie and Louise Birkhead and are free to the public. So that we have enough chairs, please register in advance for the lecture and reception.