How would you like to provide pollen and nectar for pollinators from March through November while reaping a harvest of nutritious fruits, berries, edible flowers and herbs for your use during the same months? Join Dani Baker as she surveys a multitude of carefree native flowering perennial food plants through the growing season. Learn about their flowering times, the insects they attract, and the foods they produce. Her book, "The Home-Scale Forest Garden: How to Plan, Plant and Tend a Resilient Edible Landscape" was published by Chelsea Green in May of 2022. Get inspired to plant some native food plants on your property!
After the lecture, there is an opportunity for questions and light refreshments.
The annual Birkhead Lecture is made possible by the generosity of Guthrie and Louise Birkhead and is free and open to the public.
To register please click the link below or call the TILT office at (315)-686-5345