Grassland bird management can be seen on the Zenda Farms Preserve. Zenda’s rolling grasslands are hayed each year. However, to ensure that nesting, feeding and loafing grassland birds are not killed during the harvesting process, hay is not cut until after August 1st. This ensures that grassland bird young have fledged and are safely out of the grasslands, beginning their annual journey south.
This same management technique is used on many of the Grindstone Island Preserves. By mowing these properties each year, we are maintaining grasslands, preventing forest succession, and preserving this habitat for grassland birds.
Management Success
TILT has been managing for grassland birds for nearly 30 years and has made a difference for grassland birds. The 2014 State of the Birds report stated, “Since 1968, the grasslands indicator for 24 obligate breeding birds declined by nearly 40%, but the declining flattened out beginning in 1990. This recent stabilization noted in the 2009 (State of the Birds) report continues today, reflecting the significant investments made in grassland bird conservation.”
To learn more about Grassland Bird Management, visit New York Audubon.
Illustrations by Bob McNamara, The Art of the Wild