For those of you looking to explore the road less traveled, come experience the hidden trails of the Chippewa Bay Preserve. This trail, located at the end of New Road in Chippewa Bay, will give trail users the opportunity to explore all that nature has to offer as they navigate the varying landscapes along this mile-long trail.
Lose yourself amongst the giant White Pines and towering stands of maple and oak trees. Experience the elevated views as you traverse the rocky ridges. Search for the several geocaches hidden in the Preserve. Capture a photo of passing wildlife.
In the fall of 2019, several improvements were made to the Preserve as TILT works to strengthen the connection between our communities and nature. They include a stairway over the rock face to allow for safer access to the trail below; a new bridge across the seasonal creek that drains the property; and an observation deck, with a wonderful view over the marshes adjacent to Chippewa Creek.
These improvements were made possible by a 2019 Stewardship Grant through the NYS Conservation Partnership Program. We extend our thanks to Wellesley Island Building Supply for underwriting the materials for the new Observation Tower and to Jordstat Construction for the great job building all of these new trail features.
Together we can protect and enjoy the natural world around us. So take a hike and make a memory.