New Community Involvement in Managing TILT Preserves

TILT’s preserves span the reach of the Thousand Islands from Cape Vincent to Chippewa Bay and beyond. With an eye toward efficient management, and recognizing the value of local knowledge, TILT has developed several advisory committees to aid in  preserve management and help with planning decisions for each preserve.

Zenda Farms Preserve Advisory Committee (Z-PAC) was formed in 2012 and has helped to guide the plans and programs of the preserve.

Grindstone Island Preserves Advisory Committee (G-PAC) and the Wellesley Island Advisory Committee were established this summer to ensure that TILT’s conserved lands on each of these islands remain open, safe and accessible to the public while continuing to protect the island’s environmental resources through best management practices.

Among the advisory committees’ goals are open communication between TILT and residents near the preserves, increased stewardship capacity through active volunteers, effective fundraising for preserve-specific projects, recommendations for future projects and stewardship that better enhance protection of TILT’s conserved lands, etc.

The committees’ advisory roles will inform decisions made by TILT’s board and stewardship staff in the management of each of these important places.

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