Carol Munro Elected Trustee Emerita

Spring 2017 Newsletter - At its first meeting of 2017, the TILT Board of Trustees unanimously elected Carol Munro Trustee Emerita.

Carol retired from the board in August 2016, after serving 26 years. She was chair of the Events Committee and a member of the Executive, Marketing & Development, and Nominating Committees.

Carol created the Member-Guest party that became our annual Summer Gathering. For many years, she opened her Bluff Island home to the Land Trust and its supporters for this event, and has continued to invite us for events almost every year.  Unflappable, she has hosted through wild storms that swept all the boats anchored off her dock downriver toward T.I. Park, and through the remnants of hurricanes.

Carol turned the Community Picnic at Zenda Farms from a small gathering of TILT supporters into a spectacular “Kickoff to Summer” with regular annual attendance of over 400 people.

She also masterminded the Winter Board Meeting retreat with her able staff and cohort, Barbara Mead -  first in NYC, then Vermont, and most recently in Florida.

Carol was part of the visionary team that created every one of TILT’s Signature Preserves and achieved Accreditation by the Land Trust Alliance Accreditation Commission in 2009.

Far more than her tireless and inspiring leadership on various committees, Carol’s staunch support and commitment to the mission of the Land Trust has been the backbone of our success. Her quiet, gracious insistence that we “get the word out,” that we honor our donors, and get the job done has been the hallmark of her service on the TILT board.  


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